10 effective tips for low back pain

Just like the cold, which respond better to soup than antibiotics, the treatment of low back pain is relieved more effectively with simple remedies, applied on a continuous basis, than with fast-acting treatments.

To put an end to the pain that we are suffering from, it is important to take into account the measures indicated below; they are so effective that the doctors themselves consider them an essential part of the treatment, not as an optional therapy.

1. Get in shape

The statistics indicate that to evaluate the improvement of a person with a back problem it is best to check their aerobic capacity. That means that if you have a back problem that does not require surgery, you are interested in improving your fitness. A very effective exercise is walking with small weights in your hands.

2. Pisa on soft

The impact of the footprints on the asphalt generates physical stress that is transmitted to the back and produces back pain. That pain can be avoided by using shoes or insoles that absorb the impact and that are sold in special shoe stores and sports stores. Several studies have revealed that 80% of people suffering from back pain notice rapid improvement when they change the usual footwear for another one with pads or sole absorbing the impact.

3. Do not rest too much

For acute and punctual back pain, nothing like rest ... at first. Then, to stimulate circulation, you have to get up and walk at least half an hour every three hours. If not, you run the risk of staying rigid as a board and any movement would cause lower back pain. In fact, bed rest may not be beneficial. A study has shown that people who are advised to stay in bed for a week for back pain lose 45% more days of work in the following three months than those who do not exceed two days of bed.

4. Take aspirin or paracetamol

The back pain can be relieved with any painkiller that has aspirin, ibuprofen or paracetamol, counter. Although it is convenient to take them as soon as lumbar pain appears, it is not advisable to do it before "in case the pain appears".

5. Lie with your legs up

If you try this relaxation technique, sure you repeat (in any case, it suits you). Lie on the floor, with your calves resting on the top of a chair and your knees bent at a 90ยบ angle. More than any other posture, this position reduces the pressure on the back. Also, most people find it very comfortable. Click here for more information.

6. Before exercising, warm up the muscles

Like an elastic band, the muscles suffer and deteriorate when stretched by a sudden movement. Therefore, it is best to heat them with a relaxed and sustained march. Walk gently swinging your arms as you walk and then slowly turn from side to side, as in a golf swing. Do the movement several times before doing exercises that require you to gain momentum or strength.

7. Stay straight, but relaxed

For a straight back, you do not have to be straight like a post. The specialists advise a straight, but relaxed posture, as much standing as sitting. It is like less stress is exerted on the muscles of the back.

8. Immerse yourself in the pool

The water exercises (especially those that include a variety of movements, such as those made to relieve arthritis), are the best way to desoxidar those back muscles rarely used. Yoga also helps, always with the support of people who move us according to our attitudes and tolerance.

9. Lie down on a tennis ball

Lie on the floor and place a tennis ball under you, so that you press a sensitive point. Slide on the ball, using the weight of the body, until the back pain and sensitivity decrease.

10. Freeze or warm up the pain

Ask your partner to massage your sore spots with an ice pack wrapped in a damp towel. You can also lie on your back, with your knees bent, and slide the ice pack with the towel under your skin. The heat (for example, electric pads and hot water bottles) also relieves lumbar pain. To know which method (heat or cold) works best for you, try it for a while and see for yourself.
